Sunday 18 May 2014


Todays fishing had to be timed around a rolling programme of road closures around the lake to accomodate the Windermere marathon. Consequently I was fishing before 7am. This weedy bay, where I started and finished, was stuffed with small fish. I had follow after follow - sometimes in groups but I despite going through the box I couldn't persuade any to take. I suspect these fish are either still spawning or still recovering before going on the feed.

Working along the shoreline I did eventually find fish in a taking mood and ended up with half a dozen jacks. These fish are beautifully marked and fight well above their weight, the 5lb fish hit and fight like 15lbers!

One of my favourite places on Earth- beauty on an epic scale and as I walk its banks I dream of monsters swimming in its depths!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning place mate and one of my favourites too!

    Looking water to the Eshwaite fishin next month. :)
