Sunday 7 July 2013

A New Fave and A Lost Sole!

Tried a replacement for one of my 'go to' lures this morning as they are no longer made, and increasingly hard to find, and was really pleased. Very similar in most respects and an improvement in some - I'll pass it on when I have secured a decent supply myself.
I was amazed to see a small flatfish in the margins - I know they inhabit the lower reaches of many rivers but this was a long way up this particular river.
Despite the bright and hot conditions the fish were feeding well, this was the best at 4lb 8oz.
Many of the LAS members from the continent measure rather than weigh and I have a hard time working out how big they are so I've been meaning to measure some of the better fish. I usually remember just after putting them back! This was 53cm to the fork of the tail.

..and the best of the rest!
I've noticed the condition of some of these fish is deteriorating - quite a few have argulus infestations and a few seem to be developing red sores - I think the very low water and high temperatures and the fact that the river is choked with fine filamentous weed have combined to make it  difficult for them to recover their condition after spawning - maybe they will pack on some weight in late Summer/Autumn?

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